10 cool things about the internet millennial don’t know about

Today I am going to talk about the 10 cool things about the internet from the late 90’s early 2000’s millennial don’t know about.There are actually a lot of things about the internet that you may not even be heard of so if you wanna know about these things then read till the end.

1. Being excited about emails: At that time too, the inbox was completely filled with new messages and everybody was keen to know whether the emails they had received was for their profit or not.It may be their crush’s email too.

2. Keen to know about whether their friends were online or not: Have you heard of website Aol.com.At that time, when it comes to chatting AOL instant messenger was popular instead of facebook.Instead of Facebook, all the crappy drama was done on this platform.So, people were very keen to know about their friends whether they were online or not because they usually share their full day story on these chats.

3. AOL Profile Customization: At that time, it was a very crucial task to choose characters wisely.The aim profile was a way to know about the personality and nature of a person.

4. Forums came into existence: People always do join forums related to their topics on which they were experimenting.It brings a new evolutionary experience in their life.

5. Who Used Internet All Of The Time: At that time, Asia, Europe, and America used more internet than any other regions in the world.Asia had 114.3 million internet users.

6. Patience: It seems a little funny because at that time people wait for hours in order to download something but nowadays we can’t even tolerate 2 minutes.Most of the people download things in the background so that when they come home they can get their file.

7. Different Search Engines: Nowadays almost every single person in the world knows about google and bing but at that time, people usually used different search engines for various topics.The search engine thing was not permanently fixed at that time.There were some popular search engines although Google was there it wasn’t that much popular at that time.Some of these search engines are:

•Alta Vista
•Msn Search
•All the web
•Ask Jeeves ( now known as ask)

8. Floppy Instead Of Pen Drive Or Google Drive: People used floppy at that time in order to keep their homework and crucial things safe and alive.So, this was the actual gold mine for them.Nowadays people aren’t worried about their things because they usually save their files in google drive.

9. Y2k Bug: Basically, people were worried that when we just enter in the year 2000, our computers would go crazy and our society may crumble with coding errors.The most amazing part was no major problem was occurred but the only problem that occurred was for teenagers because their parents wouldn’t allow their children to use computers

10. Changing AIM Screen Name: This was considered as the reborn because people change their AIM username easily when they want and this change let them know you if someone had blocked you and hiding from you.