What an AI content marketing platform can do to transform your business

The constant advancement of Artificial Intelligence paves way for so many convenient things. Among many others, it minimizes extra effort and also helps lessen the burden on the people who choose to utilize it.

In this regard, AI is most especially helpful for improving digital marketing strategies. Since most businesses have already been opting to go online, the emergence of AI advancements is said to transform the digital marketing field through certain enhancements due to its ability to analyze and collect data. With this, AI can be of great help in managing or providing efficient customer insights for your company.

This is most especially apparent in our Google or Siri AIs for example, or even in self-driving cars as well. From here on, the influence of AIs will only grow as more and more enterprises continuously devise ways on how to use them.

What is AI?

AI or artificial intelligence is a term that describes machine-operated devices or computers that have the ability to mimic human cognitive functions which include thinking or learning.

Moreover, it attempts to understand data that is being fed to it to better understand the importance of intelligence, and thereby responds or performs tasks according to what it has been given. Some of these activities involve highly technical processes like robotics, speech and image recognition, problem-solving, and more. With AI systems becoming rapidly efficient, the capabilities of AI have been becoming expansive, that it could already make big impacts in the research aspect around the world.

When infused within a content marketing platform, one of the futures of AI is transforming digital marketing, which can highly impact the future of your business.

For all the benefits AI has to offer, here are three specific ways how an AI content marketing platform can grow your business:

1. Gain insights into your audience

With inPowered AI content marketing platform, you would get to research more about your target audience through automated data. Usually, you can do this by gathering insights generated from thematic ideas, question trends, keyword intent, and more. While raw data may already be visible in Google Analytics or your Ads account, an AI content marketing platform emphasizes insights that the former might have missed. This way, you also get a better reach on your audience.

2. Produce Content Efficiently

With content marketing comes content generation, to which 40% of the budget often goes. At times, most digital marketers hire experts exclusively for this role, but it could still take away a chunk of your allocated money which can be used for other purposes besides it. Moreso, each content has its own significance, some of them might not be even worth the intensive measure. However, AI can easily generate the same form of content easily. Such can involve personalized content tailored for each customer, email content curation and responsive chatbots that helps your business be more proactive. With data-backed sources, it can significantly help in saving both your time and resources, all without sacrificing its quality.

3. Target Buyers

This may be one of the most important things an AI can do to help scale your business. After content production, you can use the AI-powered platform to tweak the content towards particular buyers or search queries in order to optimize traffic generated by it. This rule-based targeting becomes more efficient alongside the data you have collected from your audience. With this, your content distribution can flow rather easily while attracting customers at the same time, even with minimal effort and human input.

These are only a few of the many things AI content marketing platforms can do to help scale your business. With AI becoming more and more accessible, there are a lot of opportunities awaiting digital marketers alike. In a nutshell, there is no doubt that it has the potential to revolutionize digital/content marketing by largely influencing the choices of your customers, and even pitching recommendations to them. It not only guarantees consistency but also cost-effectivity and facilitates data-driven decision making, too. Through this way, you will be able to better grow your brand and even exceed your customers’ expectations.